The Beef preprocessor is intended for conditionally including blocks of text before the parser runs over it and modifying warning options. It is much less flexible than the C preprocessor and cannot be used for implementing macros or for other “code generation” purposes.
- #define
- sets the symbol value “X” to true - #endif - ends a #if, #else, or #elif block
- #else - processes the block down to the next #endif if the previous #if/#elif was false
- #elif
- processes the block down to the next #endif if the previous #if/#elif was false and “X” is true - #error
- Created error at parse time - #if
- processes the block down to the next #endif if “X” is true - #pragma format disable - disable formatting
- #pragma format restore - restore formatting
- #pragma warning disable
- disable warning number X - #pragma warning restore
- restore warning number X - #undef
- sets the symbol value “X” to false - #unwarn - disables the warning on the next source code line.
- #warn
- Creates warning at parse time
Built-in preprocessor symbols
- BF_32_BIT - Is targeting 32-bit target
- BF_64_BIT - Is targeting 64-bit target
- BF_ALLOW_HOT_SWAPPING - Code hot swapping is enabled
- BF_DEBUG_ALLOC - The debug allocator is being used
- BF_DYNAMIC_CAST_CHECK - Dynamic cast checks are enabled
- BF_ENABLE_OBJECT_DEBUG_FLAGS - Objects have debug flags in their header
- BF_ENABLE_REALTIME_LEAK_CHECK - Real-time leak checking is enabled
- BF_HAS_VDATA_EXTENDER - Classes have vdata extenders (for extending the vtable during hot swapping)
- BF_LARGE_COLLECTIONS - Large collections (>1GB) are enabled
- BF_LARGE_STRINGS - Large strings (>1GB) are enabled
- BF_LITTLE_ENDIAN - Target is little endian
- BF_PLATFORM_IOS - iOS target
- BF_PLATFORM_LINUX - Linux target
- BF_PLATFORM_MACOS - macOS target
- BF_PLATFORM_WINDOWS - Windows target
- BF_RUNTIME_CHECKS - Runtime checks are enabled (such as bounds checks)
- BF_TEST_BUILD - The current build is a ‘test’ build
- DEBUG - The current build is a ‘debug’ debug