
Documentation comments

The IDE allows for documenting types and methods with /// or /** */ (wich one of these you use doesn’t matter). Autocomplete suggestions, as well as prompts while calling/using the documented types or functions, will display their documentation.

    /// Must be placed directly above the method, including attributes.
    /// Using multiple lines like this is also fine. Both will be recognized.
    public static void DoAThing() {}

    /// Documentation also works for types.
    struct SomeStruct
        * Multiline comment with two ** at the start works in the same way.
        void PrivateMethod() {}

    * If you have a really long explainer here, you may not actually want to show that in autcompletion prompts.
    * @brief Allows you to select only this line to be shown.
    * @param a This is shown when writing a call to this function and placing parameter "a".
    * @param b For the second argument, the documentation for b (this!) will show up instead.
    public static void DoAnotherThing(int a, int b) {}