Error Handling

Error handling

Some languages such as C# use exceptions for error handling, but Beef does not support exceptions. By convention, error handing is implemented using the System.Result and System.Result enum types which implement two values: .Ok(T) and .Err(TError). The version that is parameterized by TError supports returning an explicit error value, otherwise the error type is unspecified. Generics can be parameterized by “void”, so Result is used for methods which may return errors but have no value to return.

If a returned error is not handled, it will cause a fatal runtime error.

static Result<uint> GetMinusOne(uint i)
    if (i == 0)
        return .Err;
    return .Ok(i - 1);

void Use()
    /* Handle result via a switch */
    switch (GetMinusOne(i))
        case .Ok(let newVal): Console.WriteLine("Val: {}", newVal);
        case .Err: Console.WriteLine("Failed");

    /* This invokes an implicit conversion operator, which will be fatal at runtime if an error is returned */
    let newVal = GetMinusOne(i);

    /* Result<T> contains a special "ReturnValueDiscarded" method which is invoked to facilitate failing fatally on ignored returned errors here */

    /* "ReturnValueDiscarded" will not be called */

Result can also be handled using if statements. Use case to match the .Err or .Ok enum values.

void Use()
    /* Handle result via an if. Note that Result<T> returns are matched with 'case', not compared with '==' */
    if (GetMinusOne(i) case .Ok(let newVal))
        Console.WriteLine("Val: {}", newVal);


Assertions are implemented via Debug.Assert() and Runtime.Assert(). Debug.Assert(cond) call will result in a fatal error in debug mode if cond evaluates to false, but will not generate any instructions in release mode (even if cond includes method calls or other complex expressions). Generally assertions are used as a “fail fast” method to ensure legal program state, but is not used to handle errors that can validly occur (ie: user input errors, timeout errors, etc).

Fatal errors

Runtime.FatalError can be used to manually “crash” a program when unrecoverable errors are detected.


By default, GUI programs show a custom crash dialog that includes a backtrace, and console programs write a crash report to the console. Crash behavior can be changed via Runtime.SetCrashReportKind.