Operators overview
These following operator groups are listed from the highest priority group to the lowest priority group.
Primary operators
- member accessx..y(<method args>)
- member access cascade. Overrides result of methody
, which is useful for chaining method calls to a common target. For example:string..Append("name: ").Append(name);
calls are targeted onstring
even thoughAppend
- null conditional member access. Results in null ifx
is null.f(x)
- method calla[x]
- array indexing
Unary operators
- postfix increment, increments x and results in result before the incrementx--
- postfix decrement, decrements x and results in result before the decrement++x
- prefix increment, increments x and results in the new value--x
- prefix decrement, decrements x and results in the new value~x
- bitwise complement!x
- logical negation(T)x
- type castsx
to typeT
- address ofx
- dereference pointerx
x(..y, <other method args>)
- argument cascade. Overrides result of methodx
, which is useful for reusing an argument. For example, see string ease of use.
Multiplicative operators
x * y
- multiplicationx &* y
- multiplication with overflow checking disabled.x / y
- division. Ifx
are integers, results in an integer truncated toward zero.x % y
- remainder. Ifx
are integers, results in the remainder of the divisionx / y
Additive operators
x + y
- additionx &+ y
- addition with overflow checking disabledx - y
- subtractionx &- y
- subtraction with overflow checking disabled. Allows for subtracing two unsigned integers without resulting in a signed integer.
Shift operators
x << y
- shift bits leftx >> y
- shift bits right. ifx
is signed, the left bits are filled with the sign bit.
Spaceship operator
x <=> y
- results is negative ifx < y
, zero ifx == y
, positive ifx > y
Comparison operators
x < y
x > y
x <= y
x >= y
x is T
- results in true ifx
can be cast to typeT
x as T
- castsx
if the cast is possible, otherwise results in null
Logical AND operator
x & y
- bitwise AND
Logical XOR operator
x ^ y
- bitwise XOR
Logical OR operator
x | y
- bitwise OR
Equality operator
x == y
x === y
- strict equalityx != y
x !== y
- strict inequality
The strict equality operators can be used to check reference equality, skipping any equality operator overloads. For value types such as structs or tuples, the strict equality operator will perform a memberwise strict equality check.
Conditional AND operator
x && y
Conditional OR operator
x || y
Null-coalescing operator
x ?? y
- results inx
if it is non-null, otherwise results iny
Conditional operator
x ? y : z
- results iny
is true, otherwise results inz
Assignment operators
Assignments result in the new value of x
x = y
x += y
x -= y
x *= y
x /= y
x %= y
x |= y
x ^= y
x <<= y
x >>= y
x ??= y
=> x
- Method binding operator
Type attribute operators
- size ofT
. Note that reference types will always result in the native pointer sizealignof(T)
- alignment ofT
- size ofT
, aligned to the alignment ofT
- result ofnew T()
, which will beT
for reference types andT*
for valuetypescomptype(x)
- type of reflected typex
- type of result of expressionx
. Any expression is allowed, including method calls, but will only be evaluated to determine the type ofx
and won’t generate any executable code.nullable(T)
is already nullable, otherwiseT?
- return type of a delegate or functiontypeof(T)
- reflected type of typeT
offsetof(T, field)
- byte offset offield
nameof(T, field)
- name offield
Ref operators
ref x
- required for passing values into ref parameters or other values expectingref
out x
- required for passing values into out parametersvar x
- create a new variablex
from an out parameterlet x
- create a new const/readonly variablex
from an out parameter
Params operator
- params x - where x is a variadic parameter, will pass through those params to another variadic parameter. Where x is a delegate or function params, will expand those in place.
See Variable argument counts for examples.
Range operators
- creates an inclusive range from x up to including yx..<y
- creates an exclusive range from x up to but excluding yx...
- creates an index range from x up to including the end of the collection...y
- creates an index range from the start of the collection up to including yx...^y
- creates an index range from x up to including y, but counted from the back (See Index operator below). For example from thex
th element of the list to they
th, but counted from the back, element.
See Range expression for examples.
Index from end operator
- creates an Index for thex
th element counting from the back (.FromEnd
), where the last element is ^1 (^0 is equal to the count/length of the collection)
is mostly used for indexing collections and constructing ranges.
let list = scope List<int>() { 5, 1, 0 };
let first = list[0];
// first == 5
// Indexing from the back starts at Count (3 in this case), which is out of range. Thus we get the last element by counting down one -> ^1
let last = list[^1];
// last == 0
The (T)x
cast operator can directly perform many kinds of type conversions, but there are some special cases:
* Unboxing. (T)obj
where obj
is an Object
and T
is a valuetype will perform an boxing. This unboxing can fail at runtime in Debug mode (when Dynamic Cast Checks are enabled). You can use an obj is T
check or a obj as T?
expression to safely unbox.
* Retrieving an object’s address: the expression (void*)obj
where obj
is an Object type is actually an unboxing request, not a type conversion. System.Internal.UnsafeCastToPtr
can return the address of an Object as a void*
* Casting to an unrelated type. Sometimes double-casts can be used to achieve what would otherwise be an illegal cast. For example, with (void*)handle
where handle
is a the typed primitive struct Handle : int
, the cast directly to void*
is not allowed, but (void*)(int)handle
is allowed.
Operator overloading
Structs and classes can provide operator overloads. Comparison operator selection is flexible, in that not all combination of <, <=, ==, !=, >, and >= need to be defined. The “inverse” of operators will be called if available, or if just the <=> operator is defined then that can be used for all comparison types as well.
struct Vector2
float x;
float y;
public this(float x, float y)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
/* Binary + operator */
public static Vector2 operator+(Vector2 lhs, Vector2 rhs)
return .(lhs.x + rhs.x, lhs.y + rhs.y);
/* Unary '-' operator */
public static Vector2 operator-(Vector2 val)
return .(-val.x, -val.y);
/* Unary '++' operator */
public static Vector2 operator++(Vector2 val)
return .(val.x + 1, val.y + 1);
/* Non-static unary '--' operator */
public void operator--() mut
/* Assignment '+=' operator */
public void operator+=(Vector2 rhs) mut
x += rhs.x;
y += rhs.y;
/* Comparison operator */
public static int operator<=>(Vector2 lhs, Vector2 rhs)
/* Compare on X, or on Y if X's are equal */
int cmp = lhs.x <=> rhs.x;
if (cmp != 0)
return cmp;
return lhs.y <=> rhs.y;
/* Conversion operator from float[2] */
public static operator Vector2(float[2] val)
return .(val[0], val[1]);
Binary operators can be marked with the [Commutable]
attribute, which allows for certain operator transformations. A commutable “A < B” operator, for example, can be used for “B > A”, “!(A >= B)”, and !(B <= A). A commutable “A == B” operator can be used for “B == A”, “!(A != B)”, and “!(B != A)”.