Building from Source

Building overview

Building Beef from source is not required for platforms that have binary distributions available (ie: Windows).

Source code is available at


The core of the Beef compiler is written in C++, while the IDE and command-line BeefBuild build system is written in Beef itself. For bootstrapping purposes, Beef includes a minimal bootstrapping compiler whose sole job is to perform an initial BeefBuild build, which then performs a ‘proper’ build of itself.

Building on Windows


Build Steps

Note that this will first download and build LLVM, which will take some time. The build results will be in IDE/dist

Building on Linux and macOS


Build Steps

This will build dependencies such as LLVM, which can take quite some time.

The build results will be in IDE/dist

Please note that the CLI tools such as BeefBuild are supported on these platforms, but the the IDE is currently only available for Windows.