Beef Corlib
System.Collections.HashSet< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for System.Collections.HashSet< T >, including all inherited members.

Add(T item)System.Collections.HashSet< T >inline
Add(T value, out T *entryPtr)System.Collections.HashSet< T >inline
AddAlt< TAltKey >(TAltKey value, out T *entryPtr)System.Collections.HashSet< T >inline
Clear()System.Collections.HashSet< T >inline
Contains(T item)System.Collections.HashSet< T >inline
ContainsAlt< TAltKey >(TAltKey item) (defined in System.Collections.HashSet< T >)System.Collections.HashSet< T >inline
ContainsWith< TAltKey >(TAltKey item) (defined in System.Collections.HashSet< T >)System.Collections.HashSet< T >inline
CopyTo(T[] array, int32 arrayIndex)System.Collections.HashSet< T >inline
CopyTo(T[] array) (defined in System.Collections.HashSet< T >)System.Collections.HashSet< T >inline
CopyTo(T[] array, int32 arrayIndex, int32 count) (defined in System.Collections.HashSet< T >)System.Collections.HashSet< T >inline
CountSystem.Collections.HashSet< T >
GetAndRemove(T item)System.Collections.HashSet< T >inline
GetEnumerator()System.Collections.HashSet< T >inline
HashSet() (defined in System.Collections.HashSet< T >)System.Collections.HashSet< T >inline
HashSet(int wantSize) (defined in System.Collections.HashSet< T >)System.Collections.HashSet< T >inline
IsEmpty (defined in System.Collections.HashSet< T >)System.Collections.HashSet< T >
Remove(T item)System.Collections.HashSet< T >inline
RemoveWhere(Predicate< T > match)System.Collections.HashSet< T >inline
TrimExcess()System.Collections.HashSet< T >inline
TryAdd(T item, out T *entryPtr) (defined in System.Collections.HashSet< T >)System.Collections.HashSet< T >inline
TryAddAlt< TAltKey >(TAltKey item, out T *entryPtr) (defined in System.Collections.HashSet< T >)System.Collections.HashSet< T >inline