Beef Corlib
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System Namespace Reference


class  AdjustmentRule
struct  AlignAttribute
struct  AllocWrapper
struct  AllowAppendAttribute
 This attribute is required on constructors that include 'append' allocations. More...
struct  AllowDuplicatesAttribute
struct  AlwaysIncludeAttribute
class  Array
class  Array1
class  Array2
class  Array3
class  Array4
struct  Attribute
struct  AttributeUsageAttribute
class  BitConverter
struct  BitfieldAttribute
struct  Boolean
class  BumpAllocator
struct  CallingConventionAttribute
struct  CallStackAddr
struct  CallStackList
struct  Char16
struct  Char32
struct  Char8
struct  CheckedAttribute
 The [Checked] attribute is used to mark a method or a method invocation as being "checked", meaning that the method applies extra runtime checks such as bounds checking or other parameter or state validation. More...
struct  ClassVData
struct  CLinkAttribute
struct  ClosedRange
struct  CommutableAttribute
class  Compiler
class  CompilerSettings
struct  ComptimeAttribute
class  Console
struct  ConsoleColor
struct  ConstEvalAttribute
struct  ConstSkipAttribute
struct  CReprAttribute
struct  CRTAlloc
struct  DateTime
class  DateTimeFormat
struct  DateTimeOffset
struct  DbgRawAllocData
struct  DeferredCall
class  Delegate
struct  DisableChecksAttribute
 Generally used as a per-method optimization, [DisableChecks] will cause calls within this method to call the unchecked version of methods. More...
struct  DisableObjectAccessChecksAttribute
 Generally used as a per-method optimization, [DisableObjectAccessChecks] will avoid the runtime per-object-access checks which by default are only applied in debug builds anyway. More...
struct  Double
struct  Enum
class  Environment
struct  ErrorAttribute
struct  Event
class  EventArgs
struct  ExportAttribute
struct  Float
struct  ForceAddrAttribute
struct  FriendAttribute
struct  Function
class  GC
struct  Guid
struct  HideNameAttribute
interface  IAsyncResult
interface  ICanBeNaN
interface  ICharacter
interface  IComptimeMethodApply
interface  IComptimeTypeApply
interface  IDisposable
interface  IEquatable
interface  IFloating
interface  IFormatProvider
interface  IFormattable
struct  IgnoreErrorsAttribute
interface  IHashable
interface  IInteger
interface  IIsNaN
interface  ILeakIdentifiable
struct  ImportAttribute
interface  INativeWindow
struct  Index
struct  IndexRange
struct  InlineAttribute
struct  Int
struct  Int16
struct  Int32
struct  Int64
struct  Int8
class  Internal
struct  IntrinsicAttribute
interface  INumeric
interface  IOnFieldInit
interface  IOnMethodInit
interface  IOnTypeDone
interface  IOnTypeInit
interface  IOpAddable
interface  IOpComparable
interface  IOpConvertibleFrom
interface  IOpConvertibleTo
interface  IOpDividable
interface  IOpEquals
interface  IOpMultiplicable
interface  IOpNegatable
interface  IOpSubtractable
interface  IPrintable
interface  IRawAllocator
interface  IRefCounted
interface  ISigned
interface  ITypedAllocator
interface  IUnsigned
class  Lazy
class  LazyTLS
struct  LinkNameAttribute
class  LittleEndian
struct  MangleConstAttribute
class  Math
 This class provides general Math functionality. More...
struct  MethodReference
struct  NoDebugAttribute
struct  NoDiscardAttribute
 If [NoDiscard] is used on a method, the the compiler will show a warning if the result is discarded. More...
struct  NoExtensionAttribute
struct  NoReturnAttribute
struct  NoShowAttribute
struct  NoSplatAttribute
struct  Nullable
class  NumberFormatter
class  Object
struct  ObsoleteAttribute
struct  OnCompileAttribute
class  OperatingSystem
struct  OptimizeAttribute
struct  OptSpan
struct  OrderedAttribute
struct  PackedAttribute
class  Platform
struct  Pointer
class  PropertyBag
class  Random
struct  Range
interface  RangeExpression
class  RefCounted
class  RefCountedAppend
struct  ReflectAttribute
struct  Result
class  Runtime
class  SingleAllocator
struct  SizedArray
struct  SkipCallAttribute
struct  Span
struct  StaticInitAfterAttribute
struct  StaticInitPriorityAttribute
struct  StdAllocator
struct  StdCallAttribute
class  String
struct  StringSplitEnumerator
struct  StringStringSplitEnumerator
struct  StringView
class  StringWithAlloc
class  Test
struct  TestAttribute
struct  ThreadStaticAttribute
struct  TimeSpan
class  TimeZoneInfo
struct  TransitionTime
class  Type
struct  UInt
struct  UInt16
struct  UInt32
struct  UInt64
struct  UInt8
struct  UnboundAttribute
struct  UncheckedAttribute
 The [Unchecked] attribute is used to mark a method or a method invocation as being "unchecked", meaning that the method omits runtime checks such as bounds checking or other parameter or state validation. More...
struct  UnderlyingArrayAttribute
struct  UnionAttribute
struct  UseLLVMAttribute
struct  ValueType
struct  VarArgs
struct  Variant
struct  Version
struct  Void
struct  WarnAttribute
class  Windows


enum  AttributeTargets {
  Assembly = 0x0001, Module = 0x0002, Class = 0x0004, Struct = 0x0008,
  Enum = 0x0010, Constructor = 0x0020, Method = 0x0040, Property = 0x0080,
  Field = 0x0100, StaticField = 0x0200, Interface = 0x0400, Parameter = 0x0800,
  Delegate = 0x1000, Function = 0x2000, ReturnValue = 0x4000, GenericParameter = 0x8000,
  Invocation = 0x10000, MemberAccess = 0x20000, Alloc = 0x40000, Delete = 0x80000,
  Alias = 0x100000, Block = 0x200000, DelegateTypeRef = 0x400000, FunctionTypeRef = 0x800000,
  Types = .Struct | .Enum | .Function | .Class | .Interface, ValueTypes = .Struct | .Enum | .Function, All
enum  ReflectKind {
  None = 0, Type = 1, NonStaticFields = 2, StaticFields = 4,
  DefaultConstructor = 8, Constructors = 0x10, StaticMethods = 0x20, Methods = 0x40,
  DynamicBoxing = 0x80, AllMembers = 0x7F, All = 0xFF, ApplyToInnerTypes = 0x200
enum  AttributeFlags {
  None, DisallowAllowMultiple = 1, NotInherited = 2, ReflectAttribute = 4,
  AlwaysIncludeTarget = 8
enum  AlwaysIncludeFlags {
  None, Type = 1, IncludeAllMethods = 2, AssumeInstantiated = 4,
  All = Type | IncludeAllMethods | AssumeInstantiated
enum  DateTimeKind { Unspecified = 0, Utc = 1, Local = 2 }
enum  DayOfWeek {
  Sunday = 0, Monday = 1, Tuesday = 2, Wednesday = 3,
  Thursday = 4, Friday = 5, Saturday = 6
enum  LazyThreadMode { None, Lock, Lockless }
enum  MidpointRounding { ToEven = 0, AwayFromZero = 1 }
enum  PlatformID {
  Win32S = 0, Win32Windows = 1, Win32NT = 2, WinCE = 3,
  Unix = 4, Xbox = 5, MacOSX = 6
enum  UnicodeNormalizationOptions {
  Stable = (1<<1), Compat = (1<<2), Compose = (1<<3), Decompose = (1<<4),
  CaseFold = (1<<10), CharBound = (1<<11), Lump = (1<<12), NFD = Stable | Decompose,
  NFC = Stable | Compose, NFKD = Stable | Decompose | Compat, NFKC = Stable | Compose | Compat
enum  StringSplitOptions { None = 0, RemoveEmptyEntries = 1 }
enum  StringComparison {
  CurrentCulture = 0, CurrentCultureIgnoreCase = 1, InvariantCulture = 2, InvariantCultureIgnoreCase = 3,
  Ordinal = 4, OrdinalIgnoreCase = 5
enum  TimeZoneInfoOptions { None = 1, NoThrowOnInvalidTime = 2 }
enum  TypeCode : uint8 {
  None, CharPtr, StringId, Pointer,
  NullPtr, Self, Dot, Var,
  Let, Boolean, Int8, UInt8,
  Int16, UInt16, Int24, UInt24,
  Int32, UInt32, Int40, UInt40,
  Int48, UInt48, Int56, UInt56,
  Int64, UInt64, Int128, UInt128,
  Int, UInt, IntUnknown, UIntUnknown,
  Char8, Char16, Char32, Float,
  Double, Float2, Object, Interface,
  Struct, Enum, TypeAlias, Extension,
  FloatX2, FloatX3, FloatX4, DoubleX2,
  DoubleX3, DoubleX4, Int64X2, Int64X3,


delegate void AsyncCallback (IAsyncResult ar)
delegate void Action ()
delegate void EventHandler (Object sender, EventArgs e)
delegate void EventHandler< TEventArgs > (Object sender, TEventArgs e)
delegate int Comparison< T > (T lhs, T rhs)
 [static initializer]
return mValue. GetHashCode ()
delegate bool Predicate< T > (T val)
 [static initializer]
else if (this case .Err(var err)) err.Dispose()
static bool UtcOffsetOutOfRange (TimeSpan offset)
 [instance initializer]


typealias int_arsize = int32
extension Nullable< T >
extension Result< T > where T
extension Result< T, TErr > where TErr
typealias int_strsize = int32
typealias uint_strsize = uint32
typealias int_cosize = int32